Thursday, April 19, 2012

Charlie the (not very) scary dinosaur!

Yesterday we got some awesome dino hoodies in the mail, and since Charlie is the only Littlefee at home right now, he got first dibs. He tried on all three and finally picked out the green one as his favourite.

Today he took it out for a test run to see just how fearsome it is.

Charlie's first victim was Layne.

Hm, doesn't seem to be working. Maybe Layne is too tall to see down so far and be properly scared. 

No matter! There are other people to scare!

Yeah, now these two, they'll be scared for sure! 

Charlie gets right up close to them to really give 'em a shock!

What is wrong with these two?

Nuts to them. He's going to go find Aidan and Evan now! There's arguing coming from the kitchen...


RAWR!!! What are they doing? Maybe he scared 'em stiff! ... 'Cept that they're still arguing...


Aw, darn. Charlie didn't scare them either....

Nope, not at all.

Well, fine. Charlie's got one more person to try. .

Bit of a hike, though

RA- !!! Ruby's not scared at all!

In fact, Ruby gives Charlie quite the telling off. She doesn't think it's very nice of him to go around trying to scare everyone.

Charlie's a plucky little guy, though, and apologises to Ruby for trying to scare her and everyone else. Then he tells Ruby that he saw Aidan and Evan in the kitchen getting a snack and offers to take her with him to find them since he guesses he's done being a scary dinosaur for a while.

Off they go, and Charlie hears crinkling and more (brotherly) arguing in the bedroom.

Charlie and Ruby find Aidan and Evan with a huge box of tasty water crackers! Woohoo! They climb up on the bed and settle themselves right in for a share of the snack.


All's well that ends well!