Saturday, May 5, 2012

Big and Little Brothers

Last month, I sent João off for a faceup, and yesterday he returned... along with someone else! 

This is Jamie :)

I am just so over the moon about him! I think he's going to fit in beautifully here! 

When João and Jamie got home yesterday, I wanted to take a group shot, of course. João has a limited attention span for anything that requires him to be still for more than... oh... half a second.

Nice group of guys there, dontcha think?

Aidan, Evan and Layne were going off to inspect the fun souvenirs that João and Jamie brought with them (I think Aidan ate the lollies), and João was just itching to go play.

João: You done takin' pictures yet?
Me: Um... I guess...

João: Hey, she's done. I wanna go now.
Jamie: Where do you want to go?

I wanna go in the living room. I left my game in there.
João got rather fond of Joel's 3DS when he was here, and he (thinks he) hid it in the living room before he left.

 Okay, well, you go get it then.

Right. I'll be back. You just wait. I'll show you how good I am at playin' Zelda. I can teach you.

Just a bit later some muffled yelling can be heard from the living room, so Jamie (and me and the camera) go to see what's happening...

It turns out that Joel had found and taken the 3DS and João was not very happy about that. 

João: You go get it back, tell him it's mine.
Jamie: But it doesn't just belong to you. You have to share it with Joel. If you promise to ask nicely, you can go ask him yourself if he will let you play it for a while.
João: Hmp... fine... then you put me down so I can go ask him.

Jamie: You just remember to ask politely, all right?
João: Yep, I gotcha. P'lite. Down, please.

A little while later, João, the 3DS, and Evan return to the living room...

João: Hey look! I got it! He said I could play it! I brought Evan, too. I wanted to show him how good I am at Zelda, too!

João settled in to play his game while Evan caught Jamie up on things. They didn't get to chat for long before... 


C'mere! I wanna show you this!

Evan:How about we put you up here with us, shortie?

João: I ain't short. You're just too tall. Now, look at this... please. I can beat this big spider boss really fast!
Jamie: Nah, you're short.

Jamie and Evan watched while João showed them how good he was at fighting that big spider. Then , finally, they got back to catching up on things...

Jamie: So, anyway...

So, anyway, that's all from us for now! I just wanted to introduce my newest boy, Jamie, and welcome home cheeky João! Thanks for reading!