Friday, May 25, 2012

We got stuff!

I just thought I'd post this on my blog, even though it's been several weeks since this happened :)

So, as the post title says, we got stuff, and Joel decided to take initiative and get the big ol' box open... And look, he wants to open boxes with swords, just like Evan... it's spreading... wuh oh. Next thing you know Queenie and Ruby will want sharp pointies to open things with. Too bad ;)

Hm, I think Hadley and Wes look a bit concerned. Maybe Joel is kind of a klutz? And maybe shouldn't be opening boxes with swords? XD

(also, love João in the background)

So, Joel and I got the box open and then I got the two boxes and the bag of goodies out to open up... First we let João open the goody bag :)
João got wings! And actually looks like he ought to be wearing them in this picture! How strange...

But okay, this is more like it...

He certainly thinks he's entitled to those wings :) I am not quite sure I think he is, but I know he's completely cute with them, so it's all good.

Now that that's out of the way...

João says: Let's get this open!

I love how cheeky he looks.

João's twin is in his box, and Hadley's best friend is in hers.

Joel and Wes didn't seem interested in helping, or maybe they were shooed away by Hadley and João. Either way, they just sat on the sidelines and watched.

Nerds. Being nerdy.

Okay, I didn't actually intend to have two Skyward hoodies. I got the one with buttons first, but decided I didn't like how much of Joel's neck it hid, so I got another. And then when Wes came home... we kinda didn't have much else for him to wear, so... we have two Zelda geek boys :)

Anyway, back to the boxes. João opened his up first. He was really excited to see his twin, Django.

Hey, look, it's Django!

João: That's Django, he's got pointy ears.
Me: Yep, and you've got wings. All things are possible.

Two minutes out of the box and Django is already being talked at a mile a minute by João! Django has turned out to be much quieter than his twin, which is probably just as well. João makes plenty of noise on his own ;)

Then it was Hadley's turn to open her box... Hadley gets her first view of her best friend, Chase

Chase was feeling a bit shy (or maybe cold) but he and Hadley were glad he's here now. He'll feel much better when he's dressed.

So, after that, we took a break and everyone got dressed up for.... a group picture! :D We just love those!


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