Friday, March 9, 2012

The Cake Saga

(I've decided to put my 'photostories' here sometimes, as well as on my flickr. This way, they can be read easier as one set, instead of having to look at each picture. I may also put up some of the older ones that I like, too)

Last week, Chari brought Queenie and Ruby one slice of cake... Just one. Ever since then, they've been arguing over who gets to eat it first, or how much each one gets to eat, or something... Arguing, in any case...

So far, neither of them have touched the cake... but that can't last forever! Realpukis love sweet things.

You touched it!

Queenie goes for the gold and decides she's had quite enough of this waiting and discussing. She wants that cake! But Ruby isn't going to let Queenie get away with it!

 Just you try and do it...

Ruby insists that the slice of cake must be shared. And I am not sure if Queenie is laughing at Ruby, or just... you know... laughing...

We have to share, Queenie!

I'm afraid Queenie and Ruby had got rather noisy by this point... and they have rather highpitched little voices... So, someone decided to take some initiative and help sort things out...

Hands off, this is our cake!

 You'd better be nice to me.

Hey, what's he got?

Oooh... cookies!

Isn't Joel the smart one. He got them to drop their weapons and stop making noise.

It seems Joel knows just how clever he is.. And it would seem he had other reasons for settling the dispute...

Ah, yes. Hadley. He wasn't just being impartial and trying to save all our ears... He had plans for that tasty slice of cake...

Sneaky boy.

Oh well!

I don't think Queenie and Ruby are too disappointed by how things turned out. They did end up with a cookie each, after all. No sharing necessary ;)


  1. SO glad you're updating this again! You know I love seeing your photos.

    I love this so much. Good thinking Joel!

    These photos are the best! I love them so much, just everything about them and the way you've posed everyone especially Queenie and Ruby. My favourite is the one where Ruby is pointing her spoon at Queenie in accusation. It made me grin like an idiot.

    I LOVE these two so much.

    Awww Joel, such a sweetie pie.

    1. Lol, been a while, hasn't it?

      I am so glad to hear that Ruby has such an effect on you XD She does me too!

  2. Oh I love this too :)
    Beautiful pictures <3

    I shall definitely keep coming here and enjoying your stories.

    Lovely Joel sorted them out didnt he and the little ones look very happy now with a cookie each! and at least that lovely cake will get eaten :)

    1. Thanks, Jo! I'll make sure I do update it, even if it is with older things in the beginning :)

      Joel is a sweet guy, even if he did have ulterior motives ;) Queenie and Ruby are very definitely happy now!
