Thursday, March 29, 2012

Joel the Pest, featuring Hadley... and Joel.

I thought that Hadley was looking especially cute in the things I made for her, so I took a few pictures of her. 

But that's all I got. A few. And why?  

Well, because Joel the Pest came and ruined my photoshoot with Hadley, that's why! *grumble* I guess he thought she looked pretty cute, too. *grumble*  

Brat. Pest. Unapologetic hugger of the Hadley.  

"Oh go away, you two."  

*sigh* at least I got a few pictures... 


  1. They are soo sweet.

  2. Oh I love Hadley's outfit. I thought it was gorgeous in person too. Well, I don't mind Joel getting in on the action of course. I love those last two pictures of them. They are such a stunning couple.
